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Re: maxed out dwell out 40 degrees?

Subject: Re: maxed out dwell out 40 degrees?
From: "Dereck C" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 13:37:21 +0000
Problem being I don't have one to compare it to.  When you see a worn one is 
there a grove in the cam where the follower has been traveling?  Mine looked 
symetrical over the entire cam.

70 B

 > If the gap is right and the dwell is wrong it indicates either
 > mechanical wear in the distributor or possibly ignion LT
 > problems.

    This is, of course, the checks-and-balances step.  The dewll
is what matters to the engine, the gap is what you can set and
when those two disagree <widely>, the implication is wear --
or incorrect parts.
    FWIW, I bought a rebuilt distributor for my '70 B-GT and
its cam was worn more than the one I just removed!  I rebuilt
my old distributor using bits from the "rebuilt" one.



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