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DIY O2 (Lambda) gas analyser

Subject: DIY O2 (Lambda) gas analyser
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 16:26:21 +0200
Dear List,

As a novice MGB mechanic I started reading all I could
find about SU tuning. (Although "real" experts will call
what I do "idle setting" instead of "tuning")

After reading several articles it seems to me that the
"Art" of tuning SU's (or in fact any carburettor) is
easier to learn by using an exhaust gas analyser. (Or
can be used to confirm a correct setting (14.7:1))

Q1: Does anybody know at what principle the commercial
    "exhaust pipe tail" analysers are based? (Not the
    very expensive 5-gas analysers used in high-end
    garages but the cheaper ($150) ones. (Gunsson?)

Q2: Do these commercial analysers use a O2 (lambda) sensor

Instead of buying such an analyser I'm interested in
building one myself. I don't want to modify the MGB by
drilling holes or welding anything to it. My suggestion
would be adding the sensor the the tail of the exhaust
pipe. As an add-on unit like the commercial units do.

Q3: Does anybody know whether a 4-wire (heated) lambda
    sensor will work in the exhaust pipe tail? (I know
    that this is very far away from the heat source and
    therefore I'd suggest the 4-wire (heated) sensor)

Q4: Is it possible the the above could work or am I just
    dreaming? (again)

Thanks for any responses in advance,

Menno Meijer
'63 MGB
The Netherlands

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