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Re: Engine Rebuild ??

Subject: Re: Engine Rebuild ??
From: David Councill <>
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 16:39:25 -0700
Greg and other listers,

I left on a backpacking trip shortly after this thread started so to keep 
from getting my email overloaded, I temporarily unsubscribed from the list. 
Were there any other definitive replies besides Bob's that I partially 
quoted below that you can forward to me? I don't care if you flood my email 
now, I was just trying to reduce the volume of my email so my wife could 
maintain my business email while I was gone (a great vacation too - its 
only a "real vacation" if you are truly away).

I hope to do my engine rebuild sometime next month and will use Bob's 
suggestions for sure. I've already done two rebuilds but the last one was 
in 1983, coincidentally on this same engine. I think I can wing it fine. 
Its just when I go to the machine shop, I want to be able to go in with 
some semblance of knowing what I am doing and requesting the right work be 
done. So any tips from the machine shop angle besides Bob's (which I 
already have) would be appreciated.


At 08:03 PM 3/8/2002 -0500, wrote:
>Hi Greg,
>I just completely rebuilt a spare GB series engine (GB-RU-H-11786) that I
>picked up last year for my '66 B (GHN3L 78708).
>I got the engine as a gift....what I really bought was the D type O/D tranny.
>I'm working on the tranny now. I've got it all apart and bought everything I
>needed....more about that later....I digress.
>Before you start stripping the engine, organize a work area.
>As you strip the engine, INSPECT AND CLEAN EVERYTHING you touch. If it's no
>good throw it out and get new stuff. If it's good but dirty, clean it and put
>it into identifying bags. You can't appreciate how much time and aggrevation
>you'll save later as you assemble. <snip>

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