Dodd, Kelvin said:
> The come along will work fine to pull the car onto the trailer.
> Keep in mind that you will want to get it off the trailer sometime though.
Nobody asked about this, but I have lots of experience getting B's off of
UHaul tow dollies by myself. The best way I've found is to use two
come-alongs, one attached to the back of the car to pull it off and the
other attached between the front of the car and the tow dolly to keep the
car from getting away from me, and to let it down when it starts to roll.
For something to attach the back come-along to, I put a chain around the
underside of a tire of a car parked sideways to the tow dolly and hook the
come-along to both ends of the chain. The weight of the parked car and the
non-rolling friction of the sideways tire keeps the car from moving. I use
my Volvo because it weighs twice as much as a B and it's usually pretending
to be an anchor anyway. By putting the chain between the tire and the
ground, there's no possibility of hurting any part of the anchor car,
unless you forget the front come-along and the towed car slams into it.
--- Denise Thorpe
--- xyzabcde@earthlink.n
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