> Ah, well, it is no good measuring the voltage unless the thing it is
> supplying is connected and trying to draw current. Connect a meter between
> ground and one thumb and put your other thumb on a 12v supply. The meter
> might show 12v (depending on how wet you are) but you wouldn't even light a
> test-lamp.
Thanks, Paul; this is so. On the other hand, not knowing what the
resistance nor impedance might be across the terminals of a working
fuel-pump of unknown manufacture, I just used the meter as a quick
and dirty continuity-checker. The test on the battery posts told me
exactly what I needed to know and the car is fine now, so it did
I worked in Toronto for many years as an IBM troubleshooter, which
taught me there are at least a dozen valid ways to do almost
anything, so I tend to just grab whatever is handy to get the job
done. ;)
(And, no, I don't use a pipewrench to adjust the valve clearances.)
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