True, except oddly enough on this list, each of the "I can't take the
insults any more" list resignations are all due to an encounter with one
individual in particular, the same in each of the instances, and most of us
can guess who the culprit is.
Not having been (yet) personally the subject of an attack, I'm not the most
qualified to lead any sort of backlash charge, but I would say that as a
manager of another maillist (non-LBC focus), with some 3000+ people on it,
that I have had a few times where there was a really obnoxious, yet
knowledgeable person, whose input everyone valued, but whose attitude
everyone despised.
Eventually that person resigned in a fit of pique (or did I throw him
off? I don't remember). At any rate, the list was better for it, and
other people stepped in to fill the knowledge gap, and more people
participated because less were intimidated and they were encouraged to ask
questions. Remember, Confucius say "only stupid question is one not
asked". Okay, Confucius didn't really say that, but the idea's the same.
Maybe we ought to look at WHY every few months someone declares they're
sick of the list. There's a common denominator to all of the
departures. I hate to see so many enthusiasts get disenchated with the
list or the hobby (passion?).
- Tab
At 02:24 PM 1/31/02 -0600, David Littlefield wrote:
>On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 10:28:14 -0500 "Mike Razor" <> writes:
> > Here I am with my hat in my hand. The outpouring of support and
> > encouragement was overwhelming!
>Nothing against Mike, I'm glad he is staying too and I've enjoyed his
>presence. But the next time anyone wants to leave the list just read the
>OK, now if you still want to leave the list, just unsubscribe quietly.
>It seems I am constantly going through this on one list or another where
>a lister gets dissatisfied, says he going to unsubcribe, and then we get
>hundreds of "don't go" messages and then he/she stays for another round
>of love fest emails. A real waste of bandwidth.
>David Littlefield
>'62 MGA MkII
>'51 MGTD
>'74 MG Midget vintage racer
>'88 Jaguar XJ-S
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