Just make sure which coil you have, and make sure you have the appropriate
voltage feed to it. A 12v coil typically measures about 3 ohms, a 6v coil
typically about 1.5. The 6v coil will require a ballast of similar
resistance, this was originally provided within the loom and had two
light-green white wires on the coil +ve. One was the ballasted supply, the
other goes to the boost terminal on the solenoid. The cooil -ve should have
two white/black wires, one to the points and the other to the tach.
The points gap was always .014 - .016, which gives a dwell of 51 +-5 on a
----- Original Message -----
From: "Montgomery Morris" <mmorris@nemr.net>
To: <mgs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 12:12 AM
Subject: dizzy transfer
> I'm temporarily transfering a 45D dizzy with points into a 79B that has a
> 45DE4 dizzy with a Crane electronic ignition in it. The car has the smog
> control air pump disconnected.
> Is there anything that would need to be done besides unpluging the three
> wire plug from the elec. ignition and hooking the one wire from the 45D
> dizzy onto the positive post of the coil?
> What point gap should I use?
/// mgs@autox.team.net mailing list
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