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Tachometer reading 500-2000 RPM high!

To: ("MG Digest")
Subject: Tachometer reading 500-2000 RPM high!
From: (Matthew Trebelhorn)
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 08:35:04 -0500
Yesterday morning, in the rain, toward the end of my commute, my '70 B's tach 
was running 800-1000 RPM high.

Last night, in virtually identical conditions (Roughly 60 degrees farenheit, 
heavy rain, heater/demister on (and making the interior very warm, but dry.)), 
it ran as much as 2000 rpm high -- 5000 rpm @ 50 mph.

This morning, with the temperature in the low 40s, and no rain, the tach was 
fine until I got in to the parking garage at work, where it showed about 500 
rpm too high at idle.

And, when I think about it, I may have seen this once before -- crossing west 
Kansas on the interstate July 4th weekend 5-1/2 years ago.  105 in the shade, 
blistering sun, and sustained 80 mph.  

So I'm guessing now that this is heat-, not rain-, related.  Last spring, I put 
in an MGOC heater core, motor, and fan, as well as a version of the Bob 
Muenchausen's heater valve.

That combo makes the heater pretty effective -- but now it seems that, along 
with the halogen instrument bulbs, it makes the tach run hot, and show 
excessive revs.

What, exactly, is going on with the tach?  Is this something that can be fixed? 
 I don't want to have to go back to cold and darkness...


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