9= Blue with white
12= Blue with red
3= Black
The horn is always "hot". The horn button completes the circuit
to ground.
1) Put in a new fuse in the block at terminals A1 (B) & A2.
Sometimes fuses are defective even though they don't look blown.
2) Using a VOM meter or test lamp test between the wire at the
fuse block terminal A1 (B) and ground. The light should light
or the meter should show 12 volts. If not, then there is break
in the brown wire coming from the A terminal of the voltage
regulator or the brown wire coming from the starter switch. Make
sure that you've connected the brown wire at the starter switch
to the "hot" side which is the same as the wire going to the
3) Test between the fuse block terminal A2 and ground. Again
the light should light or the meter should show 12 volts. If
not, the fuse is bad, or there a poor conections, or the fuse
clips are corroded, or the clips aren't making good contact where
they a riveted to the wire screw terminals on the back.
4) Test between the brown/green wire at the horn and ground.
Again you should have power.
5) If the above tests are okay, connect the brown/green wire to
the horn and using a short piece of wire and ground the other
teminal of the horn to the frame. The horn should sound. If so,
then there are bad connections between the horn and the button,
the button is bad, or the ground wire on the horn button isn't
grounding, OR the dash isn't grounding. The last two can happen
because everything is newly painted. This problem is not
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