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starting saga-9weeks!

Subject: starting saga-9weeks!
From: Montgomery Morris <>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 21:32:46 -0800
Hey all, 
Just wanted to report in. The 79B has been to the "import specialist"
mechanic for the last three weeks. He said he has finally traced the
problem to a loose shutter (for the photo electric trigger) on the
distributor shaft. Said it loose and therefore throws off the timing when
the car runs. He says that he believes that there is a missing part on the
Crane X-700 electronic ignition kit that the previous mechanic installed( 4
weeks ago)that holds the plastic shutter down onto the shaft and in place.
He says he installed what he believes was the same electronic ignition kit
on an older Triumph a while back and it had a rubber/plastic ring that had
to be forced onto the shaft after the shutter was in place and that this
kept the shutter from moving with the centrifugal force generated by the
turning shaft.
He says the car will start but will probably only run a little while until
it throws this loose shutter around and throws off the timing again. He
believes it will continue to do this until the shutter is held permanently
in place.
This all makes sense to me, with my very limited knowledge of mechanics,
except for a few things:
1. The car ran great for two months after I bought it with the old
electronic ignition in place.
2. After it quit running, I took the distributor out and examined
everything, including the plastic shutter. I took the shutter off and
reinstalled it. It seemed to fit tightly, in fact I remember that I
accidently slid it to far onto the shaft and had to very carefully pry it
back up to the proper position. There was no "retaining" ring of any kind
holding it in place that I can remember.
3. A month or so ago, another mechanic installed the new Crane X-700
electronic ignition and told me to come pick up the car as it was running
fine (he didn't drive it, just had it idling in the shop). It ran great
until a mile down the road, when the symptoms repeated and it died amd
wouldn't restart. This mechanic could have left off some sort of retaining,
hold-down thingy.

I just am having trouble believing that this is the cause of the whole
problem since it does the same thing with an old and new electronic ignition.
I have pasted in below the initial symptoms to refresh your memories.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Monte 79B


79B cut out and died at highway speeds a month ago. started drove home.
would start and run for 10 minutes or so then die. Finally would start and
run only if ignition key was held on. Now will not start at all but seems
to fire at last second when I release the key.

I have: traced every wire I can find and sanded all connections, and taped
any suspect wiring.
>>>     replaced the ignition relay and starter relay with new one, then put
originals back on.
>>>     replaced the ignition switch.
>>>     replaced the coil.
>>>     replaced the distributor ballast resistor. None of the new parts had
any effect, so I took replaced them with the original ones.
>>>     sanded  and tightened the ground wire to battery.
>>>     replaced the fuel filter, after cutting it open-no residue in filter.
        I did check all plug wires and the HT wire from the coil for
> spark; They all have spark though I'm not sure how much. The fuel pump
> pumps up when the ignition is on, and there is fuel getting to the carb. I
> got a hayes manual and have started through the ignition trouble shooting
> guide. It says to check for a spark on the HT wire at the distributor cap
> when you break and remake the connection of the white/green wire on the
> ballast resistor. I don't have a spark and I'm only getting about 1 volt at
> the White/black wire terminal on the coil so it says the problem is in the
> ignition switch, battery wiring, etc.

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