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Some safety thoughts... Getting hit

Subject: Some safety thoughts... Getting hit
From: Dave Tietz <>
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 22:41:16 -0500
I think one of the more important things a driver of a manual
transmission can do is keep the brake lights on while you are stopped
(as long as you are the last car at the light). I even go so far as to
"flash" them a time or two when I see a car approaching from behind.
Always watch for cars coming from behind, more than once I have avoided
being hit by moving forward while a guy locked his brakes behind me (you
have to have room to go forward though).

Another important thing is to have good shiny reflectors around your
#2057 tail/stop light bulb (brighter than a #1057).

Lastly, check them periodically. At every opportunity, as you leave a
glass-fronted building or in your garage before you open the door, look
in the rear view mirror and tap your brakes.

An unrelated safety point, does everyone's
wife/girl-friend/significant-other know how to operate your floor jack
(especially the hydraulic ones that have to have the valve closed to
operate)? This for those who like to work under their cars.

OK, one last thing while I am thinking about it... Last week, I saw my
neighbor using a cement block to hold up his car while he crawled under
it. A cement block is about the worst thing you can use, especially for
point contact of the car, or if there is a small pebble under the block.
They can shatter! I hope all of us have 4-leg jack-stands, but if
somebody doesn't... And you want to work under your car... Invest in
them (but still teach somebody who loves you, how to operate the jack)...

Just some mumblings..

Dave Tietz

Dan DiBiase wrote:

Good point, Max, as I don't remember if I was on the brakes or not.... I
suspect not, as the road was flat and I was fully stopped. All I remember
is hearing screeching brakes behind me and looking in my rearview mirror
as he hit me. Oh, yes, and saying 'Thank You Lord for that NOT being
another pick-up that hit me...!"


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