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Voltage regulator logic

Subject: Voltage regulator logic
From: "E.Claure" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 11:53:29 -0400
Hello List,  I have been trying to revive my Fuel n Temp gauge. I have 
tested the green cable that connects to the voltage regulator and I get 
solid 12V. The light green/green gives 2 volts and oscillates to about 1.4 
and back to 2V.  I tested continuity of the green black from the fuel gauge 
to the sender and its OK. Since the
voltage regulator is putting out 2 volts instead of 12 can I assume it is 
defective or does something else affect this behavior? Oh, voltage 
regulator is horizontal and very well grounded. Thanks for any input, Enrique.  

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