Sounds like your clutch to me, not your tranny.
On Wed, 29 Aug 2001 19:48:33 -0700, jmc wrote:
>Today my 3-synchro transmission started acting strange. I noticed that
>shifting was getting "notchy" and had problems getting the shift into 1st
>and 2nd gear. In fact, once I used 3rd to pull away from a light. It's
>accompanied by a loud metallic clunk/banging/whirring (mostly whirring)
>sound when accelerating from a stop in first. Can anyone offer their 2
>cents. And an idea of where to look first for diagnosis. And if this
>proves to be fatal, anyone got a 3-synchro (w/overdrive) they want to
>part with. Thanks in advance.
Andrew Lundgren
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