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RE: clutch help bleeding

To: "mghirsch" <>, <>
Subject: RE: clutch help bleeding
From: "Phillip Farmer" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 09:05:25 -0500
Any idea how much free travel front to back the clutch fork / lever should
have when it is not hooked up to the slave?

Phil Farmer

870-367-3318 home
870-818-6623 cell
253-550-3609 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of mghirsch
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2001 06:30 PM
Subject: re: clutch help bleeding

The lever should move about 1/2" when the pedal is fully depressed.

Bleeding the clutch usually is not too hard. The key is to wait about 10
seconds between strokes.

If you can get the equipment, reverse bleeding is very effective and fast.
Safety Fast


Finally got front end all back together, carb / choke working and engine
apparently (on jacks) running well and brakes good and hard.  Now I can't
go, due to clutch not engaging.  Rebuilt slave and master cylinder, replaced
flexible hose.  Thought I had it bleed pretty well.

However the clutch will not disengage.  It was working pretty well before I
started all this work.  Occasionally a little hard to shift into reverse
which is why I rebuilt the hydraulics.

Some items.  I searched the archives and have tried about everything

When I took the push rod loose from the clutch withdrawal lever and pushed
it into the slave as fall as possible then bleed the system (this was
suggested in archives), I also did what I think is a test to see if the
master is leaking by.  When pushing the clutch pedal down while the slave is
tied down like this the pedal is rock hard.  Held it pushed for several
minutes.  It did not ease on down.  This leads me to believe the master
rebuild is in good shape with no leak by.

How much movement (front to back) should there be of the clutch withdrawal
lever when the slave push rod is taken loose.  I can move mine basically up
against the slave cylinder body then out over an inch before it takes up
against any pressure.  If I move it on back with a lever or come-a-long.
How far should it move in total?

Thanks for any ideas and thoughts.

Phil Farmer
80 MGB

870-367-3318 home
870-818-6623 cell
253-550-3609 fax

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