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76B, shuddering at 52 (mph, not age)

Subject: 76B, shuddering at 52 (mph, not age)
From: Bill Saidel <>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 09:46:33 -0400
Car mavens galore, let me ask:  what should I look at to solve the
shuddering problem I have with my 76B at 51-54 mph, but not at 60, not at
70, not at 80 and present but quite mild at 45mph?   (I do assume at higher
speeds that whatever is causing the vibration is being dampened out.)

It is not bad. My hands do not fly off the steering wheel. It does not make
the car undriveable, but it seems to have a copa cabana rhythm to it.  

Tires?  they were new 3 years ago and have <5k miles on them. Still...



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