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One more time...

To: "MG List" <>
Subject: One more time...
From: "Chris Chandler" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 13:59:33 -0700
My apologies if this is a duplicate but my lovely computing machine crashed
as this was going out so I don't think it actually made it out.. (even more
not my day now!)


Hello all, I have a problem with my "other", "reliable" car that I'm not
sure how to approach.

How it happened:

The "other" car seemed to miss/stumble on one cylinder horribly yesterday so
when I got home I looked into it and discovered that the #1 spark plug
electrode was almost completely gone.  No problem, I'll just put a new set
in... hah!

I got the car used (a gift from mom) a month ago and it seems that the plugs
are original (from 1987).  The stupid things were just about rusted solid in
there.  Some penetrating oil and judicious use of force got three out, but
the last one is snapped off flush in the motor.

Any thoughts on how to remove the blasted thing?

The only things I can think of would drop debris down into the cylinder and
I'd rather not do that.

LBC Content:  Couldn't take the MG as it was in the garage with the dizzy
all apart trying to find out where my "idle down when hot" problem is coming

Not my day!

'70 MGB

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