Here is the blind leading the blind, I haven;t done it yet either but I might
have read a little more.
When you pull the head and pistons you will have to inspect the cylinders.
Depending on the wear/groves/scoring you may be able to bore it out. If the
damage is minimal/non-existant then you might get away with just new rings
after a polishing. If it is more extensive then it will need to be bored out.
If there are groves that are too deep to bore alone, then you will have to get
sleeves for the cylinders and install them. Then depending on the size you get
out of that you can do rings or new pistons.
It all depends on the condition of the cylinders. I have never inspected them
however and assumed I would have to take it to a pro...
On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Den's E-mail wrote:
> Hi--
> My son and I are about to attempt the first engine rebuild of our lives --
> the 1275 engine from my wife's beloved '71 Midget.
> I plan to get a book and video on the process but I'm curious about one
> thing before I start: Should I automatically assume that I'll need to have
> the block rebored or do I assume that I can just buy a new set of pistons
> and will need to do nothing to the cylinder walls? How do I tell which
> course to pursue?
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