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Re: AutoX New Boy

Subject: Re: AutoX New Boy
From: Eric <>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 02:31:56 +0930 wrote:
> Lastly, get as close as you can to the cones on the inside of turns
> and slaloms.  Your tire should make the cone wobble without knocking it out
> of the box!

Hey, in Australia in what we call 'Motorkhana' (around witches
hats/flags, in and out of garages, forward and reverse - all on sealed
surface/bitumen - just so we all know what we are talking about :-) we
have had a recent change to the rules where now it is generally taken as
a penalty if you 'touch' the flag/witches hat, even if you don't knock
it over.

> Kick butt!!  And have fun doing it!

You should NEVER forget that part of it.

Adelaide, South Australia

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volantes spectant:   ita censet scientista Ricardas Lapis Britannicus."

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