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Re: name that car, LBC content?

To: Dereck C <>
Subject: Re: name that car, LBC content?
From: Larry Colen <>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 14:45:36 -0700
On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 07:30:56PM +0000, Dereck C wrote:
> Anyone know what kind of car is in this picture?  I was just browsing for 
> mp3's an ran across it as an album cover.

As has already been determined, the car is a Messerschmidt. To inject
a little LBC content:

One sunny afternoon I was in my Sprite, waiting to turn from Hwy 1
onto Hwy 9. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw one of the
interesting apparitions. Since we were both driving without tops on
our cars I turned around and asked "Is that a Messerschmidt?". The
look of utter shock on the drivers face was priceless as he replied
"Yes it is!".

Years later I found out that the driver was Chris Opert who runs Fiat
Plus in Santa Cruz and is an active member of the Arcane Auto Society.


     I can't go back and change time, but I can make up for lost time.                          

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