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Re: Jack stand safety

Subject: Re: Jack stand safety
From: "Mark J. Bradakis" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 23:45:04 -0600 (MDT)
   This is an important subject and discussion but the subject line needs 
   changing so that someone in the future could do a search and find it.
   So guys, please change your subject line and carry on the debate.

Actually, given a decent searching program, the subject line can be irrelevent.
For instance, go to

and search for, oh, say, Spitfire.  You'll likley get results returned where
the message is related to Spitfires, but that word isn't in the subject.
RealSoonNow I'll do some more work on such archives, and get more than a few
months of the autocross list on line.  But hey, it's a start.  And yes, I know
parts of it don't work.

Now, if the 'searching' means someone just scanning through a list of old
subject lines, that's different.


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