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Exhaust advice, please

To: <>
Subject: Exhaust advice, please
From: "Jon �rikstad" <>
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 16:37:15 +0200
I have not been on the list for a while. New job, -- mail account, and so on.
The car is used  as much as possible, but I still have some problems.

I have a stainless steel 'performance kit, long manifold + 2 large silencers.
I have never been satisfied with it.

 The sound is a bit hard, or metallic?.
---After it hit something, it was bent. After that the gasket between the
manifold and cylinder head keeps blowing. (Towards the manifold).
I have had so much problems with it, been to professionals, changed the gasket
myself, tried this( andthat)that I give in. I want a new system.

Looking at the MGOC, there are a lot of systems.

Is there any real advantages with the s-steel system? It will last forever,
but I never drive the car in the snow, and i do not use it while salt is still
on the roads.

With a Weber DCOE, + slightly modified cyl head, I am thinking about a
performance system.
The ' big bore' 2'' w/ single rear silencer will be a bit loud for a street
car, I guess?
Maybe the 'Free Flow Pack with Bomb Centre Box', or 'Performance Pack with
Bomb Centre Box', or Sports Free Flow with Bomb Box!!
And then we have PECO...

Any advise from this list is welcome. Remember I am in Europa, so I may not be
able to get all the stuff you have in the US. It is also possible for me to
order from MOSS_Europa.

I have never used this mail program on a mail list before, hope the format is
Jon Arikstad (Norwegian GT owner)
1970 MGB GT

I promise that I this winter will restore the dashboard.
At least.
I Think..
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