You will have to get the sender as well as the gauge. (And you are
probably going to get flamed by listers who don't belive in them!) It
mounts on the side of the engine. I have a spare one I can measure for
you if you would like. That along with someone measuring an "wet"
version should tell you what you need.
Also have your gauge and sender tested before you install it. Rumor is
they fail; though both of my sets at 30 years are still ok.
On Sun, 05 Aug 2001 21:47:19 +0000, James Kleemeyer wrote:
>Hey All,
> Can anyone tell me if the electric temp gauge from a 68 or 70 ($10) B will
>work in my 74? They look pretty similar but before I fish it out of my dash,
>I'd like a second opinion. Thanks,
Andrew Lundgren
/// mailing list
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