----- Original Message -----
From: "David Councill" <dcouncil@imt.net>
To: <mgs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 2:34 PM
Subject: smoking start
> Just out of curiosity - what would make a car start with a nice cloud of
> smoke coming out of the exhaust, only to clear up after running for maybe
> minute? There is no sign of excessive oil consumption but then I have
> enough cars that each one usually only gets 2-4k miles per year, not
> to get an idea of oil consumption with two to three oil changes per year.
Sounds like a classic symptom of worn valve guides. As the engine cools, the
clearance between the valve and the guide increases, oil drips into the
cylinder and is burned off when started. As the engine warms up, the
clearance decreases and no oil consumption (or at least very little)
Had a '77 Landcruiser, my recollection is that Toyota 'copied' the old Chevy
stovebolt six for use in the Landcruiser. Your local machine shop should be
able to do a valve job for you without any problem.
/// mgs@autox.team.net mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)