Listers that were following my saga,
The O/D is now in and the 70B actually starts again. Will take it out
tomorrow for maiden voyage if I get the answer to one question (ok, four
questions). I attached 3 wires from the O/D harness to the
corresponding wires just before the fuse box. Yellow to yellow, green
to green and green/purple to green/purple, now the question is what the
he-- do I do with the light green/ yellow wire if there isn't a match?
Could this be a green/yellow? I don't see anything in the Haynes book
or the internet notes I received from Paul Hunt about g/y or ltg/y. It
definitely comes from the O/D harness. Can anyone help?
70B allllllmost
/// mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)