Yep, the key on the bottom of the dizzy is actually slightly offset to
help you get it right. Unfortunately I got it wrong.
I knew what to look for however as a PO had done the same thing. (he
swapped the wires to make it work however...) I pulled it out and put
it in right and it started right up.
On Wed, 04 Jul 2001 13:35:38 -0500, Barney Gaylord wrote:
>Getting the drive gear in 180 degrees out of position is actually fairly
>common, as the shop manuals are somewhat misleading on the assembly
>instructions (if you're not paying attention). One problem is
>understanding "the larger offset uppermost", and whether this refers to the
>location of the slot or the size of the lumps on either side of the slot.
>But even when you get that figured out, there's another possible "gotcha".
Andrew Lundgren
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