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Re: stopping tonneau leaks

Subject: Re: stopping tonneau leaks
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 12:34:00 -0400
 For several years I used my MGB as my daily driver in Sarasota FL.
Despite the Chamber of Commerce claims, there are days of rain and
drizzle, and there are intense thunderstorms that pound rain onto the
ground so hard that the drops bounce.
  Good results at keeping the water out of the tonneau resulted from
1)installing grommets and string ties in the front corners of tonneau so
that it could be secured to the door mirrors, 2) finding a high-temp
silicone grease for the zipper, and 3) making a prop stick that would
raise the zipper area slightly.
  1 was because the weight of downpours would unclip the button fasteners
to the windscreen posts. 
  2 silicone grease comes in different stickyness(es)  Thin stuff didn't
work, though the zipper zipped nicely.  Look for the hightemp stuff--I
think I got mine from a GE motor repair shop.
  3 prop stick was the weak link in the system. I finally used velcro on
the underside of the tonneau and the top of the armrest and corresponding
pieces on the stick.

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