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Totalled MGs

Subject: Totalled MGs
From: Justin Lehrer <>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 17:44:25 -0700 (PDT)

I wrote in about a week ago regarding my '79 B that
was in an accident.  Thanks for your responses, they
have been very helpful.  I have a new question:

It looks like the damage estimate will come pretty
close to totalling the vehicle.  It sounds like if it
does get totalled, it may not be a total loss, because
I can probably buy the car back from my ins. company
at a cheap price.  Does anyone have experience with
doing this?  what are the drawbacks to keeping the car
with a salvage title.  Has anyone sold an MG or bought
one with a salvage title?  Does it really hurt the
value of the car?  I'm open to any and all opinions
and recomendations.

Justin Lehrer
1979 MGB
Redwood City, CA
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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