All Bay Area listers (California), please join us this Saturday from 10-3
for the 8th Annual MGs at Jack London Square car show. Entrance fee is
$20, and car parking begins at 8:30 AM at the end of Broadway, in Oakland.
Several vendors will be there with goodies for everyone to look at, there
are lots of different restaurants, at lots of different price ranges, to
eat at, and generally there's a lot of fun MG talk. Car show is popular
vote, and awards will be given starting at 2 PM. Raffle tickets,
t-shirts, MGOC regalia, and information will be available at the MGOC
booth. Music by Tom and Bev and Friends, and the Prince Charles Pipe Band
will perform off and on during the day. Generally, there are over 100 MGs
of all different vintages to look at. Hope to see lots of people there.
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/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)