Not quite true. They contain isocyanates. Of course this small distinction
meant little to the people of Bhopal, India but we should strive for
accuracy. All chemicals should be treated with caution. Your ventilation
warning should apply to all solvents. I remember cleaning carbs in benzene
and cleaning spots in my clothes with carbon tetrachloride, two supposedly
harmless solvents which now are listed carcinogens. Personally I would leave
the newer enamels systems to the pros, 99 44/100% of us are not equipped to
safely handle them from a health standpoint. What you don't know can kill
you. Read the labels, demand MSDS sheets(required by law they be supplied),
call the 800 numbers with questions and wear protective equipment when
PS- Rick, hope your stomach is better.
On Fri, 04 May 2001 08:08:28 -0500, R. O. Lindsay wrote:
> Good advice all around but beware the hardener. The
> older kind (and perhaps the new ones as well) contain
> cyanide just like clearcoat. You need positive ventilation
> respiration to use it safely, even in an open garage.
> I learned the hard way -- and threw up a lot.
> > --
> Rick Lindsay
> Diamond Geoscience Research
> 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa, OK
> Voice: +1 918-747-3456
> Fax: +1 918-747-8599
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