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Re: Circuit Breaker???

Subject: Re: Circuit Breaker???
From: "R. O. Lindsay" <>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2001 17:18:43 -0500 wrote:

> HELP!  Is there some circuit breaker hidden in a '76 MGB?
> I have been having a recurring problem with mine.  Occasionally I will try to
> start it and nothing.  No sound of a solenoid, no lights, no power to the
> fuse block.  Leave it for a few hours and go back it will start fine.  I have
> checked the bat when this happens and there is voltage at the terminals but
> nowhere else on the car.  I have tried giggling the ignition switch, turning
> it off and on repeatedly but nothing seems to work but to just let it set.
> Could use some suggestions.

   On my '70 B-GT I had similar problems.  The culprit turned out to
be the ignition switch and jiggling it key does noting to the 'switch'.
I had to take it out and apart, clean everything and reassemble.
It works great now.  Little parts in there though.  Use caution.
Needless to say, disconnect the negative pole of the battery first... :-P


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