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Re: V1 #488

To: "Dan DiBiase" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: V1 #488
From: Steve Morris <>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 21:28:17 -0400
On 5/1/01 8:28 PM, Dan DiBiase  <> wrote:

>Rick, I can top that - coming home from a Trenton Thunder baseball game on
>Sunday, I too saw  Delorean - a red one! Talk about rare! It was in very
>nice shape, too....
>--- wrote:
>...and passing me in the opposite lane on a two-lane highway was a
> THAT was rare! (Especially for Illinois!)

This is very weird! Coming home from work Friday I saw a silver Delorean 
(the first I've ever seen on the road) in the Sunoco station. The driver 
(I can't believe it was the owner) stepped out from behind the pump, and 
was a boy not more than 17 or 18, with baggy shorts, baggy shirt, 
backward hat, and earrings. He didn't give my little red car a second 
look...or even a first, for that matter.

When I was that age, I was driving around an $80 '29 Ford Model A [said 
in a crotchety old voice.] Why didn't my Dad have a Delorean?!?! 
Well...he did have a '57 Bug, and that was pretty cool, too.

Any other recent DeLorean sightings to extend this phenomenon? And back 
on topic, I didn't see a single LBC all during these last half dozen 
beautiful days! Lots of Miatas, but not one with the top down, and most 
with the windows up.


Steve Morris     Avon, Ohio
1958 MGA 1500    Red/Black
NAMGAR #5987     BuckAyes Ohio Chapter
LoCo Brits       <mailto:>

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