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Re: the Sunday drive

Subject: Re: the Sunday drive
From: David Ambrose <>
Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 17:07:21 -0700
nxhio xebeaio wrote:
> > Ah, the fabled Sunday drive. How is it that Max writes about
> > all the old
> > vehicles he saw on his Sunday drive when my SO and I
> >drove about 100
> > miles around NJ
> > and saw nary a one.
        Driving back to my house in San Diego, we followed a cloud of blue
smoke up the freeway to find a Tr*umph Herald. Talk about rare. This one
looked as if it was going to lose the motor in the very near future.
Good thing too, I suppose. They have got to be one of the 10 ugliest
cars ever built.


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