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Motorhead Picnic Saturday April 25 12-4 at Motorhead, Britain

Subject: Motorhead Picnic Saturday April 25 12-4 at Motorhead, Britain
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 11:32:48 EDT
Hi All,

   Please forgive the ad on this fine list but the Motorhead Picnic is rain 
or shine this Saturday and is also often the test drive for the fourth annual 
Britain on the Green Car Show at Woodlawn Plantation in Virginia outside of 
Washington DC on Sunday April 29.  

   Britain on the Green is a very fine early Spring British car show.  The 
Triumph Club of Washington hosts this show and a good time is expected for 
all.  Woodlawn Plantation also sports a restored house by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Best regards,

Jeff and your friends at Motorhead
2811-B Old Lee Hwy
Fairfax, VA  22031 
Near Dunn Loring Metro
800 527-3140
Home of daily drivers 
Since 1977

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