You are correct, I due to time constraints have made the choice of ordering
a replacement pump for the car. We have about 5-6 hours of driving ahead
of us on Sunday so I did not want to risk a big breakdown a long way from
home for saving $100 now. I do recognize that it could be a clogged pump
due to junk or a bad ground etc. I just did not want to risk it right now
and I figure that I will now have a spare pump in the boot for any further
problems. I will take any thoughts still on what other causes for the
breakdown might have been. I am going to fix the car on Wed when I am off duty.
> You seem to have decided that the pump is at fault without doing any
>fault diagnosis. Yopur problem could be as simple as a bad ground. I
>kknow, you whacked the pump and it started to work, so it must be tha
>pump, right? Maybe. I had a pump woth a bad ground at the license
>plate that would run for a few minutes if you whacked it. Clean all the
>cinnections in the pump circuit before you toss what may be a good pump.
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