In a message dated 19/04/01 7:41:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> A quick observation; The world seems to be divided into
> two types of people, those who name their cars and those
> who don't. In my tender 50 years, I have owned probably
> 40+ cars and have NEVER named any of them.
Yep - and I'm on your side - cars are not people and need no such affectation
as cute names to be enjoyable for me. I'll let you in on another observation
though - having been through this same discussion on other groups, I'd warn
you that the OTHER sort of person - the one that has to name his MGB 'Susan'
or some such, has been known to take grave exception to any suggestion that
such behaviour on his/her part is open to comment, much less crititcism.
So any suggestion that the 'Namers' need to get a life, warm animal, doll,
spouse, whatever, as an outlet for whatever urge makes them name their cars,
may be met with accusations that you are a heartless bastard, run over small
(cute) animals on purpose (we don't of course - those little blighters can
puncture a tire quick as you can say "Meow-squish"), or are a secret Triumph
You have been warned!
Bill S.
(12 cars, all bereft of precious cognomens)
/// mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)