The university here sells on unwanted equipment, and a few years ago they
bought a load of genuine london red double-decker busses for ferrying people
round campus... well guess what i just got in the e-mail:
A Double Decker Bus! How much would you pay for one of
those fine red buses that you've seen about Davis or on one
of your many vacations to London?
BUT WAIT...there's more!
How much would you pay for "TWO" of those fine red buses that
are truly a collectible as well as a great conversation piece?
BUT WAIT....that's not all!
One of them even has an engine! Okay, it's not running, but
that's just a minor detail I'm sure!
You get all of this in one great package!
(I'm thinking this would make one fantastic motor home! Or
maybe park it in your front yard and use it as a planter. That
would definitely get the neighbors envious huh?)
So here's what it is. Two 1968 British Double Decker Cheeseburgers....
errr, I mean buses. They are Daimler Fleetline. And you know,
despite all of the kidding, these are really something. To see
all the terms, conditions and details check out our website
To view them, you can contact Wally Mellor at 530-752-4560
or email him at
This is a Sealed Bid item. The minimum bid is a mere....
are you ready for this?
The minimum bid is a paltry $400.! Of course, the highest
bidders will walk home with them!
Dr. Joseph Garner
University of California
Department of Animal Science
One Shields Avenue
CA 95616
Phone: (530) 752 1253
/// mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)