At 4:39 PM -0400 4/3/01, Gordon Bird wrote:
>Scott, is it a new rubber piece? I have an old one that is the same way,
>and does the same thing. Until I am able to replace it, I (with shame) put
>a thin bead of RTV silicone between the body and the rubber, put some weight
>on it overnight, and seems to work pretty well. Best solution would be to
>replace it with one that fits properly (if yours is new). I hear a co. in
>Canada called MacGregor has about the best rubber one can get for an MGA. I
>don't have any more info as I am not ready for that project.
>Anybody know how to get in touch of MacGregor?
>Safety Fast!
>Gordie Bird
>'62 MGA
>'80 MGB LE
>'86 Audi 4kq
>> I am getting air under the rubber windscreen seal which causes an annoying
>> buzz against the body. I cannot get the rubber fap to lay flat. Any
>> suggestions?
>> Cheers
> > Scott
When I installed mine, I first trimmed it to fit. then I parked the
car in the sun for a day. It hasn't been a problem. I got the seal
from Moss.
Bob Shaw
Check out Shaw's Garage at
My British Car is NOT leaky - it's merely marking its territory.
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