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Was Got it started ! Re: Sudden Engine Stoppage - No restart

Subject: Was Got it started ! Re: Sudden Engine Stoppage - No restart
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 18:27:09 -0400
Hi All!
I came in on this late but I think what  the original lister may be
refering to is the mechanical rollover valve. If so I have heard that
this valve may leak and cause a fire which is presumably how the last
production MGB died. It is redundant anyway because there is an electric
inertia switch under the dash.
I have to disagree that the auto choke is a pain. When properly cleaned
and adjusted, even a unit with 100,000+ miles will operate (as is my
'79B). John Twist had a great explanation to re-index an old choke
spring. That, and with the Haynes manaul adjustment procedure worked
great on 2 B's I have set up so far.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Steve Bettencourt

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001 15:32:37 -0700 "Garner, Joseph P."
<JPGarner@UCDavis.Edu> writes:
> No idea what the device you describe is, there shouldn't be anything 
> between
> the fuel filter and the carb even on later models.
> As for the auto choke, it's a complete bitch. There is a metal 
> spring whcih
> The autochoke is a phenomenal pain in the arse, it really is!
> good luck.

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