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Re: Why I drive an MG (was Why Kai Bought a Triumph)

To: Barney Gaylord <>, "Kai M. Radicke"
Subject: Re: Why I drive an MG (was Why Kai Bought a Triumph)
From: Bob Shaw <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:46:39 -0600
At 12:00 PM -0600 3/21/01, Barney Gaylord wrote:
>At 10:41 AM 3/21/2001 -0500, Kai M. Radicke wrote:
>>>.... One of the primary reasons that so many of us own MGs is precisely
>because they are affordable. .... I believe it is cheaper by the mile than
>anything else I have ever owned. ....
>  If you get in the habit ofskimping on maintainance or using 
>sub-standard parts the car is sure to
>remind you forthwith, and most likely in a rather unforgetable manner.  In
>that case I believe they would be quick to learn, or otherwise quick to
>sell the car.
>You seem to be veheminetly defending the rude suppliers.    The
>only reason I can think of that any supplier is ever rude to any customer
>on the phone is because they don't want that customer's business, in which
>case I'm more than happy to oblige, and also relay the warning to my friends.
>Along about this point in your dialog I am fairly well convinced that you
>are (or have been) one of those suppliers who does make a habit of being
>rude to customers.
>Barney Gaylord
>1958 MGA with an attitude

As usual, Barney, you are accurate and to the point. Thanks for 
saying what I was thinking.

Bob Shaw
Bob Shaw
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My British Car is NOT leaky - it's merely marking its territory.

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