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Re: Off topic posts, was: Re: Malaysian Grand Prix?

Subject: Re: Off topic posts, was: Re: Malaysian Grand Prix?
From: "Alan J. Claffie" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 07:22:10 -0800 (PST)
--- "R. O. Lindsay" <> wrote:
>    Here is a question I would like to ask because it comes up on the
> Ferrari list from time to time -- usually just after a wave of new
> subscribers have come onboard.  What is the purpose of this list?
> Is it for the exchange of MG only information?  Technical topics?
> Racing topics?  Repair topics?  Cars for sale?  Or is it perhaps a
> place
> where a bunch of like-minded motorheads enjoy hanging out and
> telling old war stories -- be they about MGs, hard-to-get parts,
> obsolete distributor tuning or perhaps even racing?

I figure when people named this mailing list for MGs that it would be
for exchange of MG only information, and that's why I signed up.

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I've always figured a few meanderings
off-topic were OK for newsgroups, but mailing lists should stick to the
topic at hand since everything, supposedly, is being dumped directly
into people's in-boxes and they probably wouldn't appreciate having to
go through non-list-specific traffic trying to filter out what's useful
from what's not.

Discussion of racing takes place on hundreds of other forums
specifically created for that purpose. You'll probably find a more
diverse audience for your F1 thoughts on one or more of those than you
will on a list created for discussion of a car that, last I heard, does
not currently compete on the F1 circuit.

I've probably already said too much.

1992 Mazda MX3 GS
1987 Honda CRX Si
1971 MGB
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