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Re: Help with jackstands.

To: "Chris Thompson" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Help with jackstands.
From: Carl W French <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 08:18:09 -0500
At 06:31 AM 3/21/01 -0600, Jeff Fayne wrote:
>  Hi Chris,
>I would also add that when I am not working on the wheels themselves that 
>I put the car on four ramps instead. You can alternate the direction they 
>face from tire to tire or you can face them outward  so that they are 
>perpendicular from the car. In either case you have really made the car 
>'bombproof'. Ramps are pretty cheap (so are stands) that is why I have 
>both sets. He is also correct about the jack problem. Next time (very 
>soon) I will have to get a good jack.

my $.02 worth
Carl French

> >
> > I'm going tonight or tomorrow to buy a good floor jack, ramps and
> > jackstands. Having never owned any of the above, I'd like it if someone
> > could help me with a quick checklist on their use.

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