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RE: Which Wire Is It

To: "'Mike Razor'" <>, "MG list (E-mail)"
Subject: RE: Which Wire Is It
From: "Garner, Joseph P." <JPGarner@UCDavis.Edu>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 11:11:14 -0800
hi mike,

deja vu?

anyway, see my other post. in addition, if your tach etc is out it is a
single circuit (i know cos i've fixed this one). I can't quite recall
whether it is the top or second top fuse. looking at the front end of the
car side of the fusebox you should see two sets of brown and brown/white
wires all connected to the same double-lug. betcha it's that circuit. check
the fuse, check it's getting power. check the connectors for corrosion etc.

Personally i would be inclined to pull the dash and make sure nothing has
been buggered about with behind there that shouldn't have been.



Dr. Joseph Garner
University of California
Department of Animal Science
One Shields Avenue
CA 95616

Phone: (530) 752 1253

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Razor []
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 5:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: Which Wire Is It
> 78 MGB, lost the use of turn signals, Overdrive, tach, gas gauge,
> light that tells you the handbrake is set.  While stopped these
> functions returned, pressed on the brake and clutch pedal and they
> went out again. The wiring is a DPO and is all hanging below the
> steering column, the overdrive is an add on with a switch on the dash.
> One good thing about the wiring hanging down is that it is easier to
> get to, bad thing is I am a rather large guy and don't fit under the
> dash so well.
> Any suggest or help is greatly appreciated.

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