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Re: Is the Air Pump Really Necessary?

To: "Barney Gaylord" <>,
Subject: Re: Is the Air Pump Really Necessary?
From: "Andrew B. Lundgren" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 19:15:55 -0700 (MST)
>When the engine is in good tune the air injection makes very little
>difference.  But if the engine gets out of tune and running badly, or if
>you leave the manual choke on too long, then the injected air can help to
>reduce hydrocarbon emissions considerably.  Now figuring that when a car is
>run through a state emissions test it is already up to full running
>temperature adn the choke is off, and hopefully the engine is in good tune,
>then the air pump is generally excess baggage.

I agree with you comments. The added drag on the engine to run the pump
causes more work to be done to drag your car around.  If it takes more
work to drag your car around, then you must burn more gas, if you have
to burn more gas to get the same job done, then you will be polluting
more and wasting more fuel....

Were the air pumps a good idea?  
Andrew Lundgren

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