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Re: Invitation to join the MGB mailinglist!

To: Bud Krueger <>,
Subject: Re: Invitation to join the MGB mailinglist!
From: George <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 17:36:07 -0800 (PST)
> Speaking of deja vu.  Here we go again.  I seem to recall that this is
> the third
> one of these since I've been on the list (maybe the fourth).

Hey Bud!

Thanks for the warm welcome. If it were not for the optimistic people like
you the first MGB list might still exist? ;-) Anyway, I will hang out on
the mgs list too, can't have enough information being a new owner! You
might want to check out 'my' list. I have done a good deal of work
inviting people and we are up to a healthy >60 members already. I am
member of several automotive mailinglists and it always was no mistake to
go model and or year specific at some point. 


George (founder of the n+1 MGB mailinglist)
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///  (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)

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