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Re: Insurance quotes + engine mounts

To: "scott beavis" <>,
Subject: Re: Insurance quotes + engine mounts
From: <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 19:18:00 -0000
I've changed mine on the V8 twice just by jacking.


----- Original Message -----
From: scott beavis <>
To: MGs (E-mail) <>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 4:10 PM
Subject: Insurance quotes + engine mounts

> The 78BGT is up for renewal and we were with NIG Skandia. We had our
> insured with them as they are cheap for 'normal' cars and we changed cars
> months into the policy year. They wanted another 300 quid to change from a
> 1.0 Fiesta to the MG and said full renewal would be ~900 quid. I was quite
> suprised when they are now asking for 325 for another year, but I thought
> I'd phone around just to see. I rang Graham Sykes Insurance who insure my
> modified mini at a very attractive price, but they wanted 671 quid (!!)
> they are a specialist for classics/modifieds. I then rang the MGOC club
> insurance and they wanted 245, so I went with them. Anyone got experience
> with these guys? Are they ok? Seemed nice and cheap. Lots of extras too
> full RAC cover (which I already have!) and European cover and a 60%
> introductory discount.
> I have also ordered two brackets and two rubber mounts from MGB-Hive.
> arrive tommorow. Reading about mount renewal in Haynes, I have a feeling I
> will need to borrow my friend's hoist to lift the engine rather than jack
> from below.
> Any comments?
> Scott

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