I have need of the three or six blade fan for an 18V engine in a 65B. I did
get some parts from another lister but I can't find his email and listquest
(archives) is not responding. So any offers?
My son got a little anxious on the 65B restoration and suffered a setback.
His 65B has an 18V engine, purportedly a 72 but the engine id was 18V800
something (my 72 engine was more like 18V582, going by memory since both
cars are at home). The fan was a large plastic eight blade thing which sat
close to the radiator, close enough that when my son decided to start the
car (while I wasn't there to check everything), it caught the bottom lip of
the radiator, the blades bent inward, and cut into the radiator core. It
looks like the flatter metal blades will give me more clearance and clear
the radiator, once I get it repaired. Unless there are other alternatives?
65 B
67 BGT
71 BGT