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Opinion wanted

To: "MG" <>
Subject: Opinion wanted
From: "Ken Waringa" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 15:09:53 -0600
The restoration of my 74 MGB continues.  The passenger side floor pan is
shot.  I'm going to take the car to have the whole pan replaced, and yes it
is that bad.  I thought the driver's side was going to be hole free, but
when cleaning it up with the wire brush I have found about 4 to 5 holes
through he floor.  These are relatively small holes, the largest being about
the size of two dimes side by side.  None of the wholes is very close to the
other holes.  I don't intend to replace the whole floor pan on this side.

My questions is should I fiberglass these holes, rivet patches over  the
holes or have the patches welded in when I have the other floor pan welded.
The quickest, easiest and cheapest would be to fiberglass the holes, but
since I'm already getting some welding done it will probably be best to have
the patches welded.

Your inputs are appreciated.



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