--- Matthew Trebelhorn <matttrebelhorn@netscape.net>
> Just my 2 cents:
> For a blend, try White Horse; lagavauglin or
> laphroaig for a strong-but-complex single malt.
> Jameson, too, is a fine backup... And just a drop
> or two of water can be a pleasant addition.
> And if you're going to waste time drinking bourbon
> instead, at least try a good one like Woodford
> Reserve.
> Bourbon's only real use, in my opinion, is to warm
> the oak aging barrels up for later use in
> single-malt scotch.
> Matt
> (in Kentucky, not a bourbon fan; from Maryland,
> where I was allergic to oysters. What a waste, eh?)
> Bill Saidel <saidel@camden.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> >hehe..
LeFrogue is another good single malt..as for
blended..Clan McGregor is as good as any i suppose..it
is cheap..with a hint of smoky peat in the
finish...but..why do blended anyway..there are so many
fine single malts..one for any taste..
yours,(pictfully), Howard
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