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Re: Rust inhibitor/eliminator question......

Subject: Re: Rust inhibitor/eliminator question......
From: "James H. Nazarian, Ph.D." <>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 13:42:55 -0500
IMHO, your first step should be to make sure that the MC is no longer leaking, 
the spill has been cleaned up using liberal quantities of water; obviously, you
don't want copious quantities of water to get around the clutch-brake pedal boot
and pass through the gaping hole to the MGA carpet and floor below. A heap of
clean rags stuffed into the driver's footwell ought to do the trick. If the MC 
leaking, you really need to fix it. Next, to rid the car of rust in that very 
prone area, you can use good 'ole Naval Jelly. It will convert any rust into a
phosphate chemical compound similar to paint primer, to which paint will adhere
very nicely. I think paint is a more permanent coating for metal than Waxoyl,
might look better, and won't  melt away in the blast furnace temperatures under
the bonnet next Summer (someone please tell me Summer will return someday soon,

Jim wrote:

> I have some surface rust on the deckplate under the hood of my MGA near the
> master cylinder....Its not a huge issue, as their is no rust-through of any
> kind. But I would like to eliminate the problem before it does become
> serious....Any suggestions as to how and what to treat this with. I have
> heard of a substance called Waxoyl (sp?) or something to that effect. I think
> its pretty expensive I'm told. Is there something that more readily available
> that will also do the trick? Thanks in advance......Bill in Southwest Missouri

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