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B-GT needed

To: MG List <>
Subject: B-GT needed
From: "R. O. Lindsay" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 11:00:01 -0600
Hello Gang,
   I am interested in purchasing an MGB-GT in need
of service (read: cheap) in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area
or not too far away.  A non <structural> rusty car in
serviceable mechanical condition is desirable.  A rally
car idea is in the works...
   Without all the usual pointers to Hemmings, etc., do
you know of a nearby car for sale?

Rick Lindsay
Diamond Geoscience Research
5727 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa, OK
Voice: +1 918-747-3456
Fax: +1 918-747-8599

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